Town of Newbury
Joint BOS/Finance Committee Meeting
Tuesday Oct 14, 2014, 7:00 pm, Town Hall
Meeting Minutes (Accepted 10-28-2014)
In Attendance:
Board of Selectmen—Chuck Bear, Mike Bulgaris, Damon Jespersen, David Mountain, Geoff Walker (Chair), Kathy Sirois (Exec. Secretary)
Town Administrator: Tracy Blais
Municipal Building Committee: Eric Svahn (Chair)
Finance Committee—Linda Allen, Gene Case (Vice Chair), Bob Connors, Larry Guay, Erica Jacobsen, Marshal Jespersen, Frank Remley (Chair).
Town Moderator: Christopher Armstrong
- Review Warrant for 10.21.14 STM: The draft warrant for the Oct 21 STM was reviewed and articles voted on as follows: Frank Remley was asked to summarize the Finance Committee recommendations on the 11 articles currently to be presented at the Oct. 21, STM
Article 1: to authorize payment of a residual FY14 invoice to Steve’s Tree Service of $3,650 —recommend approval 7-0-0
Article 2: to adjust certain appropriated accounts as listed in the warrant to cover unanticipated $38,070 additional expense for FY 15 —recommend approval 7-0-0
Article 3: to transfer $5700 from Free Cash to pay for a required OPEB actuarial update by the firm of Primoris in FY 14 —recommend approval 7-0-0
Article 4: To transfer $60,000 from Free Cash to purchase and install a septic system on Manter Field —recommend approval 7-0-0
[NOTE: this was subject to further review of late arriving plans by the engineer for the BOH]
Article 5: To transfer $75,000 from Free Cash for engineering/construction services for design of a town Hall pump station and force main—Recommend approval 7-0-0
[NOTE: This was reviewed and approved by the CPC at a meeting on Monday, Oct. 13]
Article 6: To transfer $15,000 from Free Cash to replace stairs at the entrance to the Byfield Grange Building (safety issue): -- No action 6-0-1 with one recusal
[NOTE: It was agreed that the expenditure should come from the Reserve Fund, not free cash. Thus it was concluded that “no action” is appropriate for the STM. Also, the CPC approved this expenditure of up to $15,000 at its Monday 10.13 meeting]
Article 7: to transfer up to $60,000 from Free Cash to fund professional services for a Master Plan and Open Space and Recreational Plan update—Recommend Approval 7-0-0
[NOTE: It was noted that these expenditures for professional services should be described as “up to $60,000” and would be transferred to a specific account to be overseen by The Town Administrator, and that the FinCom liaison to the Planning Board (Marshall Jespersen) would track progress. The Planning Board currently has the need for outside services and other expenses under review.]
Article 8: To cease assessing excise taxes under M.G.L. Chap. 59, Section 8A on certain animals, machinery, and equipment owned by individual and non-corporate entities principally engaged in agriculture.
—Recommend “will of the Town”
[NOTE: This tax has apparently never been imposed. Further, his excise tax only applies to individuals, not to corporations and despite state law enabling it; it has never been assessed or levied. Further it was indicated that it would result in very small revenues and it would be costly to administer)
Article 9: To amend the Town’s current bylaw regarding vacation to allow carry-over of prior fiscal year unused vacation for up to, but not to exceed 90 days —Recommend “will of the Town”
[The Personnel Board has already approved it]
Article 10: to instruct the BOS to petition the General Court to enact a law instructing the Commissioner of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Recreation vehicles to convey certain marginal land in Newbury to Richard J. and Pauline Boudreau on which they have apparently been paying assessed taxes for many years
—Recommend Approval 7-0-0
Article 11: to require an extended buffer and review period prior to allowing demolition of historically significant structures —Recommend “will of the town”
[NOTE: After discussion, the Finance Committee consensus was that his article may be better served at a spring ATM when more people would likely be in attendance]
2. Approve Minutes of 10.7.14 Finance Committee Meeting: 10.7.14 minutes were unanimously approved with no revisions.
3. Prep for STM: Erica will work with Tracy and Larry as needed to prepare a draft the town’s overall current financial status for review prior to the STM on Oct 21. Frank will prepare an introductory statement including a summary of various accounts from which capital and other needed funding may be drawn.
4. Next meeting: The finance committee, Capital Planning Committee, Municipal Building Committee, and Board of Selectmen will meet at 7:00 pm on Oct 28 in the Newbury Fire Hall on Morgan Ave. to review and consolidate needs and options regarding a new police headquarters. The Nov. 4 meeting of the Finance committee has been cancelled in favor of a pre-meeting before the joint meeting on Oct. 28 at 6:00 pm.